Thursday, April 10, 2008

How do you do it?

So, I go to CVS the other day, find the "essence of beauty" toe separators, grab 3, and think SCORE! I go to the counter, they ring up for $3-something, I pay with a $2.99 ECB and somehow end up not owing anything. Awesome, right?

Even though I'm positive that I had the right brand of toe separators and I made sure to buy three like the instructions said, the $5 ECB don't print out at the bottom of the receipt. I ask and they aren't coming. There's a line behind me, so I walk out of the store, $3 poorer, with a purse full of toe separators, that upon further inspection, aren't that nice and that I don't need.

Without warning, I think to myself, "I'll take them back. I'll tell the clerk that I'm hosting a bridal shower and that the co-host and I got mixed up and we both bought pedicure supplies, so I'm returning mine. I'll get my money back and everything will be fine" Then I think to myself WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU????? You aren't hosting a shower. Why would I feel the need to lie to the clerk? Why can't I just admit that I tried something and it didn't work and now I'd like to return these perfectly unharmed toe separators ???

The problem that I'm having isn't that I wanted to return a product that I didn't need. It's that my first instinct was to lie to someone that I didn't know to make myself feel better about returning the toe separators. Like that person actually cared why I was returning them. I really need to pray about this.

On a happy note, I did return the toe separators. I had to practically fight myself, but I did not lie. I simply said "I'd like to return these," handed them over, and returned them. And, of course, I was questioned because there was some sort of problem with the receipt. BUT, I did not lie. And tonight, that's something.

Am I the only one out there that feels the need to lie about stuff like this???

1 comment:

Tracy DeLuca said...

I have that problem too! Yesterday I got 12 trial size old spice body washes at Walmart. I had 6 coupons for $2/2. So I got them free! I get home and DH says he doesn't like the smell. So, immediately I start thinking of what to tell them when I take them back. Then I caught myself. I am just going to tell them he didn't like the smell!! LOL

btw... the toe separators have to be the ones with CVS on the tag. There are specific ones and they are mixed in with the other ones. My CVS is sold out of the correct ones!